Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3.1.3 Jailbreak iPhone or iPod Touch - PwnageTool - MAC

iPhone Dev-Team has updated their PwnageTool for Mac to make it compatible with the new iPhone 3.1.3 firmware. This latest version of PwnageTool can jailbreak the original iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS - older bootrom only with baseband 04.26.08. It can also jailbreak the iPod touch 1G and 2G non-MC model - 2G should also be pre-jailbroken running on iPhone firmware 3.1.3.
The custom .ipsw firmware files you create with PwnageTool can update iPhone to firmware 3.1.3 without updating its baseband so that it can be unlocked to run on any carrier SIM. If you previously relied on blacksn0w unlock for iPhone 3GS, then this is NOT for you. iPod touch 3G is also currently not supported.

Before you begin you will need to download the following:

You'll need to create a backup of your device in iTunes, and move all these files to your desktop.

Note For Windows XP/Vista/7 Users:
PwnageTool 3.1.5 is for Mac OS X only. Windows users should follow the guide posted here or here in order to jailbreak and unlock iPhone running with firmware 3.1.3.

Step 1:

Start PwnageTool 3.1.5 and select your device.

Step 2:

PwnageTool 3.1.5 will now automatically detect the correct firmware for your device as shown in the screen shot to the right.

Step 3:

Click on "No" when PwnageTool asks you "Do you have an iPhone contract that would activate normally through iTunes?"

Clicking on "Yes" will update your baseband to the latest version making it very hard to unlock. Only click on "Yes" if you are on an officially supported carrier.

Step 4:

PwnageTool will now create the custom .ipsw file for your iPhone which will be jailbroken.

Note: This may take several minutes.

The following “ihaz Success” screen will confirm that the requested .ipsw file has been created successfully.

Step 5:

Once the .ipsw file has been created, you will now have to restore your iPhone to this custom firmware 3.1.3 that you just created using PwnageTool 3.1.5 for your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Click on your device icon from the sidebar in iTunes. press and hold left "alt" button ("Shift" button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on "Restore" (Not "Update" or "Check for Update") button in the iTunes and then release the "Shift" button.

This will make iTunes prompt you to select the location for your downloaded custom firmware 3.1.3. Select that custom .ipsw file and click on "Open".

Step 6:

iTunes will do the rest. Just wait it will take several minutes while iTunes installs the custom firmware on you device. Your device screen at this point will be showing a progress bar indicating installation progress. After the installation is done, device will restart automatically and you should now have a fully jailbroken iPhone/iPod touch running on firmware 3.1.3.

This guide is for testing and educational purposes only. I’m not responsible for any loss of important data or malfunctioning of your iPhone.

Check out my other iPhone and iPod Touch articles.....


  1. this is not exactly working for me. I did steps 1-4 but i can not do 5, and when i do Itunes comes up with a screen saying that its like invalid and cannot do this. Any help?

  2. You mean iTunes doesn't recognize the .ipsw file?

  3. yes, thats what he means
