What is Jailbreaking?
Definition of Jailbreaking
Jailbreaking is the process by which an iPhone firmware is modified to allow unsigned code to be run to gain access to files that Apple wouldn't normally let you access.Jailbreaking adds un-official application installers to your iPhone such as Cydia or Icy (I personally only use Cydia)which let you download many 3rd-party applications previously unavailable through the AppStore.
Why Jailbreak Your iPhone
Jailbreaking lets you install applications that are not approved by Apple. Many of these applications can be very helpful but they will unfortunately never make it to the AppStore due to Apple's restrictions. There are many reasons why you would want to jailbreak your iPhone:
Install 3rd party applications rejected by Apple for various reasons (ie. nudity) recording (now available on the iPhone 3GS) the look and feel by installing custom graphics and themes tethering access to cracked AppStore apps for free, able to unlock your iPhone,.
Why Not Jailbreak Your iPhone
I can only think of one reason why you wouldn't want to jailbreak. Jailbreaking your iPhone automatically voids the warranty. This is not really a problem as you can always restore your iPhone in iTunes, putting it back to its factory settings. This will make it impossible for Apple to see you jailbroke your iPhone, thus not voiding your warranty. In the past, some jailbreak methods were not very stable and sometimes turned your iPhone into an iBrick aka an expensive paper weight. Jailbreak methods are now very stable and I have yet to hear about someone bricking his iPhone while jailbreaking. In other words, jailbreaking is safe!
What If Something Goes Wrong?
It's very unlikely that something will go wrong. If you have a problem, simply plug your iPhone to your computer, launch iTunes, and click restore. As I mentioned above, it will restore your iPhone to factory settings.
Why Are You Still Reading This?
What? You're still aren't sure about this whole jailbreak thing? You're missing out big time. An un-jailbroken iPhone is a plain boring iPhone! Jailbreaking is the best thing that has happened to my iPhone and I seriously can't live without it.